Integrative Health & Nutritional Coaching


We work closely with you and your doctor to create and execute long-term regiments to meet your health goals. An integrative health coach will be your guide, mentor and most importantly, an ally for you and your health.


What is IHC?

Integrative health coaching motivates and supports health behavior change through a structured partnership you and your coach. A coach is like a “personal trainer” except the focus will be on your whole self. The coach helps develop and realize optimal your health vision through inquiry, personal discovery and accountability.


Am I a good candidate for Integrative Health Coaching?

Ask yourself these questions

  • Has my doctor suggested a regiment, but I never got around to it?

  • Am I feeling sluggish all the time? Burnt out at work?

  • Is my weight not where I’d want it to be?

  • There’s so much on the internet, how do I know what works?

  • Are other people concerned about my health?

  • Are there health behavior changes that you’ve wanted to make but either haven’t known how or haven’t been successful in the past?

How it works

  • We work together to achieve those health goals you have been dreaming about

  • Through 1:1 coaching, we uncover your own drive and inspiration for change

  • The process respects the competing priorities of family, work, community and your own personal fulfillment

  • We will devise and implement a plan for optimum health in a way that honors your values and goals

What you get

  • Semi-monthly 60 minute sessions either in person or FaceTime/Skype

  • On-going nutritional guidance between sessions

  • Weekly texting check-ins

  • Simple, healthy recipes that works for your lifestyle

  • Customized fitness and wellness guidance that fits your needs, while we work towards a healthier lifestyle

Sample Offerings

All programing is offered virtually.


Gut Intuition


During this 6-week program we learn first and foremost that one-size does not fit all. Your diet should be based on you, not on a collective theory. We will work together to understand your bio individuality and use that to guide us in choosing healthier foods to benefit your gut and enhance your overall well-being. We will also touch on the following:

  • Food Allergies, Intolerances & Disorders

  • Stress

  • Fitness

  • Detoxification

  • Personalized Meal Plans

  • Custom Self Care Plans

Connect with me to see if a plan like this would work for you.


IHC + C3Fit


Has your doctor recommended you start a fitness regiment, but it’s either fell off or never happened? We will work together to understand the parts of your life that are affecting your overall fitness health and make small adjustments to introduce fitness back into your life.

Connect with me to see if a plan like this would work for you.


IHC + Venus Legacy


The Venus Legacy can be used as a tool to enhance your effort in pursing Integrative Health. Working out? Eating Right? Your body may require Venus Legacy to obtain optimal physical result where diet and exercise can never address.

Learn more about how the Venus Legacy can help with your heal goals.